The third activity was the organization of online emergency training on COVID-19 (three turns), that included prevention, promotion and advocacy work/protection protocol for PHC nurses. The online trainings of trainers (ToT) have been conducted using the zoom platform. The participants counted 35 PHC nurses per turn (5 nurses per member state per turn, 15 nurses per member state), nominated by respective Ministries of Health. The ToT was conducted in English. The training was structured over 5 days (2 hours per day). The ToT has been carried out during:
I turn
30.11.2020 – 4.12.2020
II turn
III turn
As planned, under the current project 105 nurses were trained and are ready to share the acquired knowledge at the national level.
The activity for translation of training materials has allowed and ensured that all training materials were translated in 6 languages:
Albanian language
Bosnian language
Macedonian language
Romanian language
Montenegrin language
Serbian language