List of the Association of nurses appointed by National Focal Points (NFPs) of the 6 SEEHN Member States* participating in the project “Strong nurses for strong health systems and a healthier world”
Member State | Association of nurses acting as project partner/beneficiary | Contact details |
Albania | Albanian Order of Nurses | Address: Rr. Reshit Petrela, tek Dispanceria, kati II-të, Tirana, Albania President: Ms. Blerina Duka, e-mail: uish_albania@yahoo.com, https://urdhriinfermierit.org/ |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Association of nurses in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina | Address: “Adema Buce” 13, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina President, Ms. Hanka Redžić,, e-mail: fbih.umst@gmail.com, http://www.bhsestrinstvo.ba/ |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | The Association of nurses, nursing and midwifery Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina | Address: “Vojvode Sindjelica 49, Banja luka RS BIH, Registration no. 173/98 President: Ms. Zivana Vukovic-Kostic e-mail: umsit-bl@teol.net; umsit-banjaluka@teol.net, http://www.umsit-bl.com/ |
Montenegro | National Association of nurses and midwives of Montenegro | Address: “Mila Radunovica” S/III, ME – 81000 Podgorica President: Ms. Nada Rondović tel.: +382 20 238 270, fax:+382 20 238 270, e-mail: umscg@t-com.me, http://numsb.me/ |
Republic of North Macedonia | National Association of Nurses, Medical Technicians and Midwives of Macedonia | Address: “Dame Gruev” 28, 1000 Skopje, tax no. 4030992345218 President: Ms. Velka Lukic tel.: +389 2 3298 529, fax: +389 2 3298 590, e-mail: zmstam@yahoo.com; kancelarija.zmstam@yahoo.com, https://zmstam.org.mk/ |
Republic of Moldova | The Nursing Association of the Republic of Moldova | Address: MD-2025 Republica Moldova, address: or. Chișinău, str. Nicolae Testemiţanu 20, oficiul 301 President: Ms. Elena Stempovscaia tel.: +(373) 22 728-469; e-mail: nursing@list.ru, www.nursing94.org |
Serbia | Association of nurses and technicians PRIMARY HEALTH CARE SERBIA | Address: “Bogdana Zerajica 24”, 11090 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia President: Ms. Slavica Konevic tel. +381 (0) 62 88 56 491 e-mail: udruzenje.primarna@gmail.com;; http://udruzenje.me/ |
*For Bosnia and Herzegovina project activities were implemented with Federal Ministry of Health and Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of the Republic of Srpska