The project has been designed around five activities. The first activity on mapping and identifying the training modules for implementation of the planned Emergency training. The aim of the survey was to identify the course modules/themes/subjects most needed for the PHC nurses to be further developed. The results served to design the 4 modules and training materials for the Emergency training course.
SEEHN is conducting an activity aimed at development and implementation of training modules to strengthen the capacities of nurses during the COVID-19 pandemics. Within this activity, 54 filled-in questionnaires from 6 countries have been returned. The data obtained have been analyzed in order to identify the course modules and themes needed to be further evaluated and developed for implementation of the planned emergency training.

The distribution of respondents according to the country of working is as follows:

  • Albania 3 (5.6%)
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina – 18 (33.3%)
    Federation – 15 (27.7%)
    Republika Srpska – 3 (5.6%)
  • Republic of Moldova – 6 (11.1%)
  • Republic of North Macedonia – 5 (9.3%)
  • Montenegro – 9 (16.7%)
  • Republic of Serbia – 13 (24.1%)

    The frequencies of males and females are:

  • Females – 45 (83.3%)
  • Males – 9 (16.7%)

    The average age of respondents (N=53) is:
    48.77±9.52 years (min 26, max 70)
    The distribution of participants according to the level of education is as follows:

  • University Degree – 21 (38.9%)
  • Master or PhD – 20 (37%)
  • Other – 13 (24.1%)

    The respondents are representing the following types of organizations:

  • Ministry – 4 (7.4%)
  • University – 6 (11.1%)
  • Association – 11 (20.4%)
  • Health care institution – 27 (50%)
  • Institute of public health – 2 (3.7%)
  • Other – 4 (7.4%)

    According to their job position, the respondents are:

  • Nurses – 17 (31.5%)
  • Head Nurses – 9 (16.7%)
  • Management representatives – 10 (18.5%)
  • Members of certain association – 7 (13%)
  • Others – 4 (7.4%)
  • Not reported – 7 (13%)

    The themes within different topic have been rated by participants on a Likert scale containing answers from 1 = little relevant to 5 = highly relevant. The themes that are highly relevant according to participants’ opinion are written with bold text.

    Through the data analysis, we have obtained the following average marks on different themes (in a descending order within each topic):

    TOPIC 1: COVID-19 Key Features

  • Theme 1.3: The concept of triage of COVID-19 patients – PHC nurses’ role (N=54)
    4.85±0.4 (min 3, max 5)
  • Theme 1.2: Clinical signs of COVID-19 infection in patients and why they matter (N=54)
    4.81±0.55 (min 2, max 5)
  • Theme 1.4: Control of the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection – transmission, safety, and protection (N=53)
    4.74±0.6 (min 3, max 5)
  • Theme 1.5: Monitoring skills – Home care for patients with COVID-19 presenting mild symptoms and management of their contacts (N=54)
    4.56±0.8 (min 2, max 5)
  • Theme 1.1: Epidemiology of COVID-19 infection (N=54)
    4.52±0.77 (min 2, max 5)
  • Theme 1.6: The role of nurses in the rehabilitation process of former CoVid-19 positive patients (N=54)
    4.5±0.84 (min 1, max 5)

    TOPIC 2: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • Theme 2.4: How to properly use PPE to reduce the risk of SARS-CoV-2 exposure (N=54)
    4.78±0.57 (min 2, max 5)
  • Theme 2.5: Preparing for an emergency – PHC nurses’ role (N=54)
    4.78±0.63 (min 2, max 5)
  • Theme 2.1: Basic principles of health and safety at work (N=54)
    4.74±0.52 (min 3, max 5)
  • Theme 2.3: Workplace risk assessment in health care facilities during pandemics (N=54)
    4.74±0.62 (min 3, max 5)
  • Theme 2.2: Prevention strategy in health care workers (N=54)
    4.67±0.64 (min 3, max 5)

    TOPIC 3: Clinical Assessment of COVID-19 Patients

  • Theme 3.2: Triage of the sick patient – nurses’ role (N=53)
    4.72±0.56 (min 3, max 5)
  • Theme 3.1: Obtaining data on medical and epidemiological history (N=54)
    4.5±0.81 (min 2, max 5)
  • Theme 3.3: Assessment of patients with other COVID-19-related conditions (N=54)
    4.5±0.84 (min 2, max 5)

    TOPIC 4: The Role of PHC Nurses in the Diagnostic Assessment of COVID-19 Patients

  • Theme 4.3: Stress and mental health of nurses during pandemics (N=54)
    4.69±0.6 (min 3, max 5)
  • Theme 4.2: The knowledge of the PHC nurses’ in COVID-19-related tests and testing procedure (N=54)
    4.56±0.74 (min 2, max 5)
  • Theme 4.4: Diagnostics and verification of COVID-19 as an occupational disease – what a PHC nurse should know? (N=54)
    4.52±0.77 (min 2, max 5)
  • Theme 4.1: The knowledge of PHC nurses in providing common diagnostic tests in COVID-19 patients (N=54)
    4.44±0.86 (min 2, max 5)

    TOPIC 5: Early Treatment of the Dyspneic COVID-19 Patient

  • Theme 5.1: Therapeutics for patients with suspected COVID-19 (N=54)
    4.44±1.003 (min 1, max 5)

    TOPIC 6: Preferred Performance-Improvement Approaches During Pandemics

  • Theme 6.2: Communication with colleagues and patients and teamwork (N=53)
    4.81±0.52 (min 2, max 5)
  • Theme 6.3: PHC Nurses’ engagement in health promotion (N=54)
    4.65±0.87 (min 1, max 5)
  • Theme 6.7: The role of vaccination in the fight with CoVid-19: emerging anti-CoVid-19 vaccines a possible solution (N=53)
    4.64±0.65 (min 2, max 5)
  • Theme 6.6: Discrimination of CoVid-19 positive healthcare workers and patients; identification of causes and solutions (N=54)
    4.63±0.65 (min 3, max 5)
  • Theme 6.5: Appraising own performance, personally coping with change, and management tasks (N=54)
    4.41±0.83 (min 2, max 5)
  • Theme 6.4: Undertaking administrative activities and using computers (N=54)
    4.35±0.89 (min 2, max 5)
  • Theme 6.1: Research during pandemics and applying research results into practice (N=54)
    4.28±1.09 (min 1, max 5)

    Recommendations on training subjects to be further developed into training curricula

    List of the selected themes – highly relevant according to participants’ opinion with
    average marks. The best ranked themes are colored by green color.

    TOPIC 1: COVID-19 Key Features

  • Theme 1.3: The concept of triage of COVID-19 patients – PHC ( Primary Health Care) nurses’ role
  • Theme 1.2: Clinical signs of COVID-19 infection in patients and why they matter
  • Theme 1.4: Control of the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection – transmission, safety, and


    TOPIC 2: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • Theme 2.4: How to properly use PPE to reduce the risk of SARS-CoV-2 exposure

    TOPIC 3: Clinical Assessment of COVID-19 Patients

  • Theme 3.2: Triage of the sick patient – nurses’ role

    TOPIC 4: The Role of PHC Nurses in the Diagnostic Assessment of COVID-19 Patients

  • Theme 4.3: Stress and mental health of nurses during pandemics
  • Theme 4.2: The knowledge of the PHC nurses’ in COVID-19-related tests and testing

    TOPIC 6: Preferred Performance-Improvement Approaches During Pandemics

  • Theme 6.2: Communication with colleagues and patients and teamwork
  • Theme 6.3: PHC Nurses’ engagement in health promotion
  • Theme 6.7: The role of vaccination in the fight with CoVid-19: emerging anti-CoVid-19 vaccines a possible solution
  • Theme 6.6: Discrimination of CoVid-19 positive healthcare workers and patients; identification of causes and solutions

    In the final open question, the participants pointed out the following themes as necessary and important:

  • Psychosocial support of patients and health workers
  • Mental health during COVID-19 pandemic
  • The role of nurses in communication with media
  • Conflict management
  • Data sources – availability and access
  • Workplace risk assessment during COVID-19 pandemic
  • Management of medical waste during COVID-19 pandemic
  • Work organization and health
  • Sampling procedures during COVID-19 pandemic